Designed and created by Sofia Maria Paz to help raise awareness and support the fight to end child sex trafficking! Featuring one of Paz's original artworks, all proceeds from this collaborative T-shirt campaign go to support the non-profit organization, Operation Underground Railroad, to help free sex traffic victims, reunite families, and support survivor’s journeys’ across the world.
Join the fight to help end child sex trafficking!
Collaborators: Sofia Paz & Operation Underground Railroad.
Letterpress, screenprint, and japanese paper collage on handmade paper. 2018
Created collaboratively by Regents' Prof. Aditi Chattopadhyay, Dr. Bonsung Koo, Christopher Sorini, and John Risseeuw at Pryacantah Press at Arizona State University. This edition demonstrates Prof. Chattopadhyay's research at AIMS Center. Printed on handmade white cotton paper with embedded carbon fibers taken from AIMS research labs, images show integration of modeling, sensor design, and decision making to predict the situ damage and system health. The nanocomposite material modeling and simulation bridges scales from atomistic to the structural level and predicts material behavior and useful life of aerospace systems.
Collaborators: Aditi Chattopadhyay, Sofia Paz, John Risseeuw, Christopher Sorini, & Dr. Bonsung Koo.
(red shirts left to right) Eric Avery, Stephanie Hunder, Tim High, David Newman, Sandra Fernandez, Brian Johnson, John Hitchcock, Amanda Knowles, Leonor Thomas, Sofia Maria Paz, Karen Kunc, Kathryn Maxwell.
Monoprint 2017
Monoprint 2017
Monoprint 2017
The Semographics III Monoprinting Team Collaboration took place in junction with the Southern Graphics Council International 2017, in Atlanta, Georgia. ​Hosted in the print studio facilities at the Savannah College of Art & Design, twelve printmakers, including myself, had four and a half days to produce a series of collaborative monoprints.
Upon arriving in Atlanta, each team member contributed dozens of their own transparent positives for photo screen printing, chine-collé elements, pre-cut relief blocks, handmade papers, and other tools of the trade, for everyone to use as an interchangeable plethora of materials and images. To ensure the free flow of this collaborative monoprinting marathon, all "in-progress" impressions were available for anyone to seize upon and embellish. At the end of each workday, all prints were critiqued and were only deemed complete upon unanimous agreement.
Semographics' collaborative process was an enormous success in combining each of our unique aesthetic perspectives, backgrounds, and life experiences.
Collaborators: Eric Avery, Sandra C. Fernandez, Tim High, John Hitchcock, Stephanie Hunder, Brian Johnson, Amanda Knowles, Karen Kunc, Kathryn Maxwell, David Newman, Sofia Maria Paz, and Lenore Thomas
(left to right) Sofia Maria Paz, Tim High, Eric Avery, Brian Johnson, Stephanie Hunder.
In collaboration with the ceramic artist Cannupa Hanska Luger, and my printmaking colleague Louise Fisher. This project was organized through Arizona State Universitie's Map(ing) Project, which was founded my Prof. Mary Hood. Every two years, Native American non-printmaking artists are invited to learn the art of printmaking by collaborating with ASU's print graduate students.
This print titled "Irontype" depicts the illusion of a buffalo running, by composing overalled cyanotype negatives we derived from Eadweard Muybridge's photograph motion studies. Across the pectoral plane is a chine-collé mirrored paper laser-cut in the shape of the Missouri River. If the print's whole edition of 25 were to be displayed together in order, you'd see the entire chine-éd Missouri span across the prints side-by-side
Read more about the fun time Louise and I had with Cannupa.
Collaborators: Cannupa Hanska Luger, Louise Fisher, & Sofia Maria Paz.
Cyanotype with chine-collé. 2017
(Front) Letterpress with silver foil stamping, polymer plates, screen-printing, & inkjet printed collage on handmade paper. 2016
(Back) Letterpress with colophon on handmade paper. 2016
This print is part of John Risseeuw's grant funded portfolio project, which consists of inviting senior professors from varied disciplines at ASU, to come to the School of Art's book arts press with a student of their choosing. Together we use the resources at Pyracantha Press to create a one-page visual statement of their discipline and research interests.
Our first collaborative edition was with the theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Dr. Lawrence Krauss, along with his research assistnat, Dr. Jayden Newstead. By combining Einstein's field equation, a spiral galaxy from a 1935 textbook, the higgs boson, Feynman diagram, and "Pillars of Creation" photographed using the Hubble telescope, this print depicts the evolution and continuing discoveries we are making about the origins of our universe. We even incorporated shredded photocopied pieces of Einstein's essays into the paper pulp.
Read more about the collaboration process and the adventures we had along the way.
Collaborators: John Risseeuw, Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Dr. Jayden Newstead, & Sofia Maria Paz.
(From left to right) John Risseeuw, Sofia Paz, Dr. Lawrence Krauss, & Dr. Jayden Newstead.
Serigraphy 30" x 22" 2015
Organized by ASU's printmaking professor, Mary Hood, collaborative print project with video artist Muriel Magenta. By creating vector files to toner-print our individual color stencils, together we replicated one of Magenta's video stills into a screenprint. Now she has an origina edition!
Collaborators: Mac Bydalek, Janet Diaz, Mary Hood, Muriel Magenta, Sofia Paz, Emily Ritter, & Shangning Wang.
Mary Hood (left) & Muriel Magenta (right)
Back row: Shangning Wang, Mac Bydalek, & Sofia Paz. Front row: Muriel Magenta, Janet Diaz, Emily Ritter, & Mary Hood.
Hand reduction screen print created by The University of Texas professor, Tim High. I assisted in the creation of this print by assembling the original digital compositing of the appropriated images.
Collaborators: Tim High & Sofia Maria Paz.
Hand-reduction screenprint. 15" x 21" 2017
Letterpress 11"x17" 2015
Per invitation of Arizona State University's professor, Dan Mayer, inaugural guest artist, Jessica Spring, from Springtide Press, created a commemorative letterpress print celebrating the Petko type donation and paying tribute to the 35th anniversary of Pyracantha Press. Jesica also taught workshops to ASU students and visitors who traveled to campus.
The "35 Faces of Dr. Petko," features a vibrant yellow smiley face—a nod to Petko's career in dermatology—circled by 35 adjectives. Each word is hand-set in a typeface form the Petko Collection that the artists thought best conveyed its meaning.
Collaborators: Dan Mayer, Jessica Spring, Cindy Iverson, & Sofia Paz.
Designed by Sofia Paz
Designed by Sofia Paz